Private courses available 7 days a week
Private courses available 7 days a week
Our instructors agreed, the number one MOST IMPORTANT drill to shoot better and fix common errors is Dry Firing. If you are going to the range and shooting one shot at a time all of that training could be done at home, for free, dry firing.
The training that you get at the range should be training you can't get at home like:
1. Recoil control for follow on shots
2. Re-sighting after the shot
3. Multiple targets
Do these drills:
1. Practice new or reinforce skills.
2. Fix problems
3. 5 minutes every day or at least before going to the range.
Pistol Drawing:
Start with an unconcealed pistol/holster/shirt Draw the pistol slowly and practice:
1. Getting a good grip that doesn't require adjustments. Dominant hand as high as possible. Index finger parallel to barrel.
2. Clearing the holster cleanly. Not snagging the front grip on the top of the holster. Pulling in the exact opposite direction the pistol is pointed in the holster
3. Disengaging the safety
4. Achieving a strong consistent support hand grip close to the body. As soon as the pistol clears of the holster rotate the pistol to point parallel to the ground and directly at the target. As soon as the pistol is pointed capture the perfect 2 handed grip with your support hand. Don't push the pistol out towards the target and then grab the pistol with the support hand away from your body, you'll push the weapon away from the target and destroy the early sight picture.
Practice looking at a target while doing this. Try using a large full length mirror after you get the basic mechanics down. Film yourself and see if your consistent. Start slow and controlled thinking about each step and then speed up Move to concealed and do all the above.
Trigger Squeeze:
Make sure you have the correct amount of finger on the trigger.
See Trigger Squeeze page.
Try putting a coin on the top end of your slide while dry firing to make sure your not moving the pistol at the trigger squeeze. Do this both eyes shut with one hand so you can really feel the trigger and also do it as part of your Sight Picture practice.
Sight Alignment / Sight Picture: Practice all three types of sighting. All three have their benefits and problems. Practice them separately and then along with a draw.
See Pistol Sighting page.
Practice sighting first without doing any trigger work and then move up to sighting before and after trigger squeeze.
Please contact Viper Weapons for any questions, advice or to add your techniques. email:
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